About Amy

I love being creative and making things; always have. My house is full of things that I have put my hand to at different points; acrylics, macrame, knitting, crocheting, calligraphy… but I always struggled due to an innate need for perfection and a fear of failure.

Knitting and crocheting would drive me mad as if it wasn’t perfect; I would always end up having to start over. Paintings weren’t the works of Picasso, and therefore weren’t good enough… it was a constant battle between wanting to simply enjoy creating, and the demons in my mind.

Then I stumbled across weaving. This explosion of colour and chaos, where there was no right or wrong, simply whatever my mind felt like making at that time. Even when working on commissions, the ability to be able to fix and change so easily and freely meant that I could always silence the battle.

I don’t mean to sound like a complete crazy person, but as someone who has battled with anxiety and depression for most of my life, finally finding a meditative creative outlet that I can enjoy has been a true revelation.

It is this passion that I want to be able to bring into your home through my creations.

Explosions of colour and texture, made with natural fibres and sourced as much as possible from small independent companies.

If you want something that is truly bespoke to you, take a look at my commissions page.

If there is something specific that you are after, I am currently open to commissions, so feel free to contact me using the form below, or at my Instagram account.